Tuesday, 13 November 2007

First 'Frozen' Donation

Well - got first 'real' donation under my belt today.

Probably won't post again until donations are complete - or something interesting happens.

Oh - been meaning to say for a while - at no point will I post anything about the donation centre that I'll be making my deposits. This is in case the chaps at the centre find this blog, match up my dates/rusting car etc and worry about confidentiality :-)

Friday, 9 November 2007

Success Criteria

Success Criteria is as follows,
  1. Get accepted as a Donor
  2. Complete all my Donation visits
  3. Find out if I my donation makes a family complete
So one down, two to go.

I must admit to being quite excited.

Bloody Brilliant

All done on the blood tests - so first donation is booked for later this month.

Blood Glorious Blood

Got a quick reponse from the Clinic - they are waiting for one blood test to come back and we take it from there.

Monday, 5 November 2007


Nothing from the Clinic to date so will follow with them in case they've forgotten/or my letter got lost in the post.