Sunday 12 July 2009

Stupid Laws

I am very disappointed in with regard to the current Law and Donor Conceived children, here's a couple of rants to get things started:
  • There is no law to say that the parents must tell Donor Conceived children that they are Donor Conceived. If the child suspects they can ask the HFEA ... once they reach their teenage years--- but that's about it. I do know there was some talk about putting on the Birth Certificate that a child was Donor Conceived but this it just total stupidity as this makes the information almost public. Surely the answer would have been for the HFEA to send a letter to the child when he/she reached 18 to set up an interview. This'd force the parents to tell the child at an earlier date that they were donor conceived.

  • My children have no right to access information about their Donor-Conceived half-siblings. This is just lunacy - why can Donor-Conceived half-siblings request information about their other half-siblings but exclude my children? Total crassness on behalf of the lawmakers
Okay I've a few more but that'll do for now ...


whosedaughter said...

"My children have no right to access information about their Donor-Conceived half-siblings. This is just lunacy"

Absolutely! Your children should have a right to know also! Thank you for posting about this.

Billy said...

I agree that it is weird that your kids don't have the same right of knowledge as donor conceived kids.

But I don't think parents should be forced to tell their kids they were conceived through donor gametes. Same way that no such restriction applies to adoptive families. It might be nice if all parents told their kids the truth, but I can understand that (especially when donation is due to father's inability to produce valid sperm) it is not always easy.