- Sore Throat
- Oh so very very very tried / can't concentrate / feel dizzy and drunk
- Runny nose
- Aching Limbs
- Tight Chest
- Chills & Sweating
- Headache
- Tummy upset
- Occasional Cough
- Hacking Cough
- Headache
- Very tired
- Tight Chest
- Sore Throat
- Tummy upset
- Chills / Sweating
- Very tired for about 8 days
- Temperature
- Diarrhoea
My wife is getting better - though still very tired.
I've had a couple of days off work - and I've only managed to last this long due to drinking pots of coffee every day.
It brought up the question - do we go to a social event where a friend is in their third trimester? We could have made it, it would have been tough but we'd have survived. We decided that it wasn't fair for us to put someone at risk - and although our Doctor would not say for sure that we had Swine Flu - I don't see what else we can have?
If we have got Swine Flu then I can only say we got off with the 'Mild' version. I'd say that it's been almost as bad as having Shingles, but not quite. Plenty of rest, paracetamol, and fluids seem to have helped a lot.
We discussed, do we put off having a child until next year when all this Swine Flu is over with? But what could happen next? Sheep Flu? Hopefully Swine Flu will be all done and dusted by the time my wife gets to her third trimester - but who knows?
I guess this illness probably isn't doing a great favour to my sperm count but hopefully I have a good overhead available and so things will work out fine.
One final thing of note - Swine Flu - it's a very apt name as with all the tummy upsets our house smells like a farmyard.
Heard Swine Flu is very "popular" in England nowadays. My brother and his kids (not sure about the wife, probably her too)just had it (they live in England). They are about to come over here for a vacation and I damn well hope they're o.k now..
Swine or not, hope you and your wife get well soon!
Thanks Billy - as of this afternoon I am 100% fixed.
My wife is still unwell - so off to the docs on Monday.
NHS Direct have confirmed that we have/had Piggy Flu ... which is nice.
Hopefully back to work tomorrow --- I am still tired but the end looks to be in sight.
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