I hope to hear from the Donation Clinic in the next few days - hopefully I am their 'ideal' candidate seeing that there was nothing negative to fill in on the questionnaire.
In the coming week or so I've decided to give the
National Gamete Donation Trust a ring to see if there is anything I can do to help out.
Things that I have been pondering - should everything work out - what I have to decide is who can/can't have my donation. Being a Caucasian male - the only mandatory thing that springs to mind is to ensure that the father is also of Caucasian orgin.
Other options that sprang to mind - should I choose purely
Heterosexual relationships or should I include Lesbians? Should the families that bring their children into the world be Married or is co-habiting enough?
Although I have strong feelings on all of these things - some of my very good friends have had children despite not been married or in a civil partnership and are doing very well . I don't personally know any Lesbians - but giving it some thought (no, not that sort of thought) I bet my last dollar that their need and desire for children is just as strong.
How many children per family? The limit that UK law gives is 10 children per Donor. So is that one child per family to make 10 families sort-of-complete? Or should I give the option for 2 children and give 5 families the chance to have full brother/sister relationship and identical genetic identity?
We would like to have at least 3 children in our family. Three is the new two. What about parents that want 3 children with the same genetic make-up?
Selfishly I don't want any of my potential '10' to go to waste.
Conversely - I do not want to be the person that does plays God with people's lives.
Lots of things to think about.
EDIT: It's 10 Familes (as per Billy's comment below) not 10 children :)